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Zago Packaging






Bangalore, INDIA


Tara Dsouza, Tulika Bhogaraju

Srishti's packaging design for Zago, an energy drink, seamlessly blends style with substance. The vibrant and modern aesthetic not only captures the essence of energy but also incorporates strategically chosen models to connect with the target audience. The packaging features dynamic individuals engaged in activities that resonate with the drink's energizing properties, such as sports, fitness, or other high-energy pursuits.

This thoughtful integration of models in the packaging design not only enhances the overall visual appeal but also serves as a powerful marketing tool. It communicates a lifestyle that aligns with the energy drink's purpose, making it more relatable and enticing for the target audience. This design not only captures attention on the shelf but also tells a compelling story about the kind of drink Zago is and the lifestyle it promotes.

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